I feel like I start every post on this website by lamenting how long it’s been since I last posted here. In truth, it is always too long. For those of you hankering for more updates, they tend to come more frequently from my mailing list. You can subscribe here (and get a free ebook).
But with that said, you’re here now and it’s time to talk.
I didn’t bring a book out in 2023. This is a statement that wounds me to write down. Territory came out in 2022 and I was flying. I still am flying – writing-wise. So no book in 2023? Maybe it was an admin error? Maybe I took my eye off the ball?
In truth I dedicated a lot of energy last year into getting an agent. I came up short. I came close a couple of times but ultimately, Last Night of Freedom will not be the book that gets me repped. Ah well, onto the next.
The Good News
Despite the setbacks with agents (I must have close to 300 agent rejections in various forms now), one thing I do know about myself is that I’m prolific. 1,000 words a day. I have written 9 novels and am working on my 10th. I can do this. Day in, day out. That’s reassuring for me, getting the work done is the bedrock I can lean on when the rejections come in.
Which brings us on to 2024.
It’s already May and still… Nothing. But do you know what? Here’s some news for you. I’ll be releasing two books this year. Not one, but TWO. One way or another you will be getting Last Night of Freedom AND Lionhearts in 2024.
There – I said it. No going back now.
Both books are edited and ready to go. The magnificent Paul Stephenson of Hollow Stone has made some incredible covers and created (dare I even say it) an author brand for me which I absolutely love. I need to gather some amazing blurbs – but that aside – we aren’t far away.
I won’t commit to the release dates yet but you’ll be able to get one of them SOON. I promise.
Oh, and I also have a novella out on submission….
So what else is going on?
Well, firstly, I’m working on a fully funded feature film (and my alliteration skills). I’ve been working with the magnificent Stewart Hamilton from Hartmann Films and we are developing our film Newstone. We went out to crowdfunding around Easter and were delighted to raise over £3,300 to fund the film.
Newstone is a creepy, retro, 90s-vibe horror/sci-fi film in the vein of British weirdness from Possum and John Wyndham et al. We’re not ready to shoot yet -not even close – but it’s so good to have the means to complete this film now. It’s going to be brilliant.

Elsewhere, I’ve also expanded my press Northern Republic to bring out a few books from other authors. Firstly, I re-released the excellent Society Place by my good buddy Andrew David Barker. You can grab a copy here.

And also, in July you can grab your copy of The Children’s Horror by Patrick Barb. The book is a warped reimagining of a whole host of children’s TV shows. You will never turn on Disney+ without feeling nervous ever again! More details on this one soon!

I think that’s enough news for now. I think… I hope… Check back soon for me. There is so much more to tell.